Mohannad Nassar

Mohannad Nassar

Head of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Professions Department

M.Sc. Environmental Studies Mohanad Nassar

Welcome Mohannad Nassar






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Mohannad A. M. Nassar

Personal Information

  • Marital status: Married.
  • Nationality: Palestinian.
  • Barth day: 02/02/1975.
  • Place of Birth: Arraba / Jenin



Al-Quds University

Environmental Studies

Master of Science



Diploma in Educational Specialized Qualification
Training of Trainers



Palestine Polytechnic University

Bachelor of Mechanical Eng.



Arraba secondary school

Scientific stream


Professional experience

  1. 2021 till now Head of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Professions Department – College of Applied Profession.
  2. 2019 to 2020 lecturer in Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Professions Department – College of Applied Profession.
  3. 2011 to 2018 supervisor of Environmental technology engineering / college of engineering - Palestine Polytechnic University (PPU)
  4. 1999 till now Coordinator of Renewable Energy & Environment Research Unit.
  5. 2009,October till 2011 Master thesis Al-Quds University
  6. From 1999 to end of 2009, teaching assistant in PPU

Master Thesis

Investigating the Potential of Municipal Solid Waste to Energy Opportunities in West Bank - Hebron City

Municipal solid waste management in the Hebron district in one of the environmental challenges. Treating the municipal solid waste requires knowledge concerning content and per capita produced waste.

The idea of waste - to – energy system is gaining acceptance worldwide, and hence after having all data concerning the status of the municipal solid waste, a research could be conducted focusing on assessing the calorific values of the different components of solid waste. An in cremation system could then be recommended.

In this context my proposal contains the following tasks:-

1. Survey on the municipal solid waste; content and size.

2. Measuring the calorific values using the instruments at the Renewable Energy and Environment Research Unit (REERU) labs.

3. Recommend the best incineration system, location, and capacity based on the data and information collected.

Graduation Project

Solar Tracking System

Building a model that works to focus solar rays in a point, to convert solar energy into thermal energy, then into electrical energy.

Note that this model tracks the movement of the sun.


Microsoft Word, Excel, Power point, Renewable energy systems, and AutoCAD.

Additional Courses

and Workshop

1.Establishing School Environmental Clubs in Hebron

This project aims at disseminating awareness and implementing good practices for environmental measures and issues among school students through establishing specialized school clubs to carry out environmental awareness and initiatives in order to enhance ecological knowledge and reach out purposes among the local community. Funded by the Consulate General of the United States in Jerusalem, Implemented by REERU – PPU/ Hebron 2015


2. Coordinator of 3rd international conference,

 on Energy and Environmental Protection in Sustainable development ICEEP III -2013


3. Korea International Cooperation Agency Koica

Standardization and Conformity Assessment System Development, 22 June -13 July 2013 Seoul- KOREA


4. Elettronica Veneta

Adsorption of water,  19 -26 February 2013 Motta di Livenza Italy.


5. Elettronica Veneta

Wind Energy & Aerobic Water Purification , 30 January – 5 February 2012, Motta di Livenza Italy


6.Member of Palestine Standards Institution (PSI)- water sector 2011


7. National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research

Water quality analysis- laboratory practice. 4 August – 28 September  2010, Chennai – INDIA


8. Multi-scale hydrology and the pedostructure concept and water resource economics. March 2010, Al-Balqa' University, Al-Salt, Jordan

9. Member of the Air Pollution Inspection Committee, In the Nablus municipality, cooperation with Analysis Center/An-Najah National University 2010

10 .Maintenance of hydraulic systems Dec.  2008 Arab Organization for Industrial Development and Mining, Egypt – Cairo 2008


11. Member of Organizing Team of "2nd Palestinian International Conference on Computer        and Information Technology" sep. 2007


12. Participation and Contribution as a Member of the Administrative and Logistic Committee in the "International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection in Sustainable Development" May 2007

13.Training of Laboratory Technician at Wastewater Treatment Facilities

May 2006, Ramallah – Palestine, Birzeit University 

14 .Training Course   "Project Management"  June  2004, Ramallah – Palestine, Birzeit University 


15.Improve the performance of administrative and educational

 Feb.  2004, Hebron-Palestine, Department of Continuing Education  / PPU

16. Member of Organizing Team of "The First Palestinian Environmental Symposium" March. 2000


Supervise the tests of drinking water and disinfections for the following projects


Funded by/ Project no.


  • Foundation Action Against Hunger International   ACF- 2008



  • Foundation Action Against Hunger International   ACF- 2008



  • Foundation Action Against Hunger International   ACF- 2008



  • Foundation Action Against Hunger International   ACF- 2012



  • Foundation Action Against Hunger International   ACF- 2012



  • Union of Agricultural Work Committees - Hebron



  • Bani Naim Projects-Saqqa & Khoudary (SAK)

USAID Projects

Chemical and  Biological

  • Save Children - Hebron



  • Task order no. 9 (Nuba-Tarqumia Pipe Line).

USAID Projects TO#9

Chemical and  Biological

  • Task Order no. 27

(Well Pump Stations Rehabilitation Project)

IZZ-1, IZZ-2, IZZ-3 & JWC-4).

USAID Projects TO#27

Chemical and  Biological

  • Task Order no. 27

(Well Pump Stations Rehabilitation Project)

PWA-3, PWA-11 & Hundaza).

USAID Projects TO#28

Chemical and  Biological

  • Task Order no. 45

(Dura Cluster Water Storage & Distribution System).

USAID Projects TO#45

Chemical and  Biological

  • Save Children – Aqraba/ Nablus



  • Site Group. Co  -2011 / Well # 17

USAID Projects Well 17 Za¢atra

Chemical and  Biological

  • PALH95-SQ08-Water  2014

CESVI  / Italy

Chemical and  Biological

  • WELL FLOW MONITORING PROJECT                                                                      (TASK ORDER 00007)/ 2014


ARAB BROTHERS                   

Chemical and  Biological

"Ras At Tawil Project"/ Bani naeem/ SC 17-SAK125 2015

Saqqa & Khoudary Co

Chemical and  Biological

Hebron Access Road (WWTP)/ AID-294-I-13-00002 / 2015

Saqqa & Khoudary Co

Chemical and  Biological



  • Arabic
  • English

Member of


  1. Jordan Engineers Association Reg.# 3/12227
  2. Engineers Association-Hebron Center
  3.  Renewable Energy and Environment Research (REERU) at PPU